Monday, February 22, 2021

My Presidential Biographies, Part 4: Truman to Reagan

 The Presidential biographies continue as we head deeper into the 20th century. This segment will take us from the 33rd to 40th presidents.


The plain-spoken man from Missouri, Truman succeeded FDR upon his sudden passing. Soon faced with making a decision regarding the atomic bomb, the 33rd President brought a contrast in style from his predecessor. His defeat of Republican Thomas E. Dewey to win a term in his own right in 1948 is the stuff of legend. Not hugely popular during his presidency, his reputation became enhanced following his death. The first president to propose a national health insurance plan, Truman became the first Medicare beneficiary in 1965. He also desegregated the military. The Marshall Plan also came about on his watch, as did the Cold War. He took us into an undeclared war in Korea that set the precedent for future undeclared American wars, which have become the norm. The 33rd President's administration was a decidedly mixed bag, but for the most part his legacy is a good one.

Plain Speaking: An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman by Merle Miller

Published some two years following Truman's death, this book developed out of conversations that Miller had with Truman and a number of his associates in the early 1960s. There have been questions raised as to the veracity of some of the quotes, and some of his biographers have pointed out where the aging former President's memory was off. But the book provides a sense of Truman's personality and views on a variety of people and events.

Harry S. Truman by Margaret Truman

Written by his daughter, this is hardly a critical biography. A pleasant read that provides some personal insights into President Truman.

Truman by David McCullough

A grand bio by an able and experienced chronicler that delves into the personal and political lives of the 33rd President.

Conflict and Crisis: The Presidency of Harry S Truman, 1945-1948 and Tumultuous Years: The Presidency of Harry S Truman, 1949-1953 by Robert J. Donovan

An excellent two-part history of the Truman presidency by a noted journalist who covered the events.

Pending: Man of the People: A Life of Harry S. Truman by Alonzo L. Hamby



The Supreme Allied Commander who orchestrated the D-Day invasion of France in 1944, "Ike" had experienced plenty of big, pressure-filled decisions prior to becoming the 34th President. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was a president worthy of respect. Unlike many conservatives of his day, he recognized the game-changing nature of nuclear weapons, and had no sympathy for those who casually advocated their use during the Cold War.

The Eisenhower Diaries edited by Robert H. Ferrell

Published following his wife's death, the diaries provide insight into Eisenhower's observations and thinking during World War II and his White House years.

The Hidden-Hand Presidency: Eisenhower as Leader by Fred I. Greenstein

A hot book when it was published in 1982, I found it to be difficult to read and the notion that the 34th President was somehow unique in utilizing misdirection and political sleight-of-hand as aspects of his presidential style is flawed. That "Ike" was a more engaged political leader than he was often given credit for is interesting and persuasive. I still would have voted for Adlai Stevenson.

Speaking of Adlai Stevenson, I have read several biographies of him also, which may be discussed in a future post.

Pending: Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life by Carlo D'Este, Eisenhower Volume 1:  Soldier, General of the Army, President-Elect 1890-1952 & Eisenhower Volume 2: The President by Stephen E. Ambrose


The first president I can remember, President Kennedy won a narrow election victory in 1960 and departed tragically in 1963. It took his successor to drive most of his domestic program to enactment. But JFK was the bright, charismatic, and forward-thinking leader who inspired a generation. Personal failings aside, the 35th President has, if anything, increased in popularity since his passing. 

Jack: The Struggles of John F. Kennedy & JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy by Herbert S. Parmet

A well-researched and balanced two-volume bio of the 35th President. The first volume explores his health issues at length and the second takes readers into his presidency. Not without their shortcomings, these books are interesting and worthwhile. There will be more from Parmet dealing with a couple of presidents who came after JFK.

The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power by Garry Wills

JFK and his brothers were affected by the family environment they grew up in, which was led by the patriarch, Joseph Kennedy, who set an example that affected their personal relationships as well as their approach to seeking and wielding power. Wills does his share of demystifying the Kennedy family on his way to gathering interesting insights.

The Making of the President 1960 by Theodore H. White

A groundbreaking account of the 1960 presidential election by an experienced journalist and author, White followed the path of seven candidates, including JFK, and analyzed the political process as well as the personalities and styles of each candidate, leading up to the final general election face-off between Senator Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon. This was the first of a series of presidential election chronicles by White and others over time.

Ask Not: The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Speech That Changed America by Thurston Clarke

An excellent account of the development of JFK's inaugural address as well as the events and activities pertaining to the entire inauguration. Well-researched and interesting.

President Kennedy: Profile of Power by Richard Reeves

A detail-filled account of the Kennedy presidency by an outstanding journalist and author, which highlights JFK's pragmatic approach to dealing with situations and issues.

The Death of a President: November 20 - November 25, 1963 by William Manchester

A controversial but well-written account of JFK's assassination. No conspiracy theories here, but much information that rankled members of the Kennedy family, who had commissioned the book.

Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK by Gerald Posner

A well-researched account of the assassination in which the author concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of President Kennedy. Argue if you will, but Posner makes a persuasive case. 

Pending: An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 by Robert Dallek

I would add before moving on to the 36th President that I have also read biographies of JFK's brother, Robert F. Kennedy, that add insight into JFK and the relationship between the two.


"Hey, hey, LBJ..." what is your reputation today? While the escalation of our military involvement in Vietnam still remains as a stain on his legacy, the 36th President is also remembered for his extensive domestic program. Deeply driven and physically imposing, LBJ honed his negotiating skills as leader of Senate Democrats. Upon taking office upon President Kennedy's death, he utilized those skills to advance JFK's legislative agenda, in particular with regard to civil rights. Elected to a full term in 1964 with a record percentage of the popular vote, President Johnson was far less popular by the time his term ended, primarily due to Vietnam. 

Lyndon Johnson & the American Dream by Doris Kearns Goodwin

The book that effectively launched the author's literary career came out of her conversations with LBJ as a member of the White House staff in 1968 and as a post-presidential confidante. She was able to provide insights into Johnson's background and perspectives that make this a must-read for anyone interested in learning about him.

The Making of the President 1964 by Theodore H. White

The second of White's presidential election chronicles starts, quite appropriately, with the death of President Kennedy and details the Republican nomination battle that concluded with the nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater, finalizing in LBJ's landslide victory.

Lyndon Johnson's War: The Road to Stalemate in Vietnam by Larry Berman

A well-written account of the Vietnam War which focuses on LBJ's viewpoint and discusses the major failures of the administration's Vietnam policy. 

The Triumph & Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.

Written by someone who served in the Johnson White House and later in President Carter's cabinet, who provides a vivid portrait of LBJ. The titles of the book's three sections (which in turn are divided into 22 chapters), convey the peaks and valleys of LBJ's term: Happy Days, Sleepless Nights, and Nightmare Year.

Pending: Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times 1908-1960 & Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times 1961-1973 by Robert Dalleck, LBJ's 1968: Power, Politics, and the Presidency in America's Year of Upheaval by Kyle Longley



Those who knew me in high school may be curious as to what I have to say about the 37th President.  President Nixon remains the only president to resign, and there was no question that he would have been impeached and convicted in 1974 (even the Republican leadership in Congress told him as much). The Watergate scandal maintains a prominent place in the nation's political history, to the point that any newsworthy scandal ends up having -gate attached to it. There were always questions with regard to his trustworthiness, dating back to his time in Congress before he became President Eisenhower's VP. 

Six Crises by Richard M. Nixon

It is said that all memoirs are self-serving, and Nixon proves it with his accounts of six key crises in his political life, up through the losing 1960 presidential election. While this book provides insight into his perspective and viewpoint during each of the situations that are highlighted. His accounts do not always match up well with the historical record. Published in 1962 he viewed it as his response to JFK's Profiles in Courage. Instead it provided the blueprint for his later memoirs that were published following his presidency. Part of me wonders why I bothered with this book. But I did.

Nixon: The Education of a Politician 1913-1962, Nixon: The Triumph of a Politician 1962-1972 & Nixon: Ruin and Recovery 1973-1990 by Stephen E. Ambrose

A monumental work by an acclaimed historian who also was the biographer of Dwight Eisenhower, as we have seen. The three volumes are interesting and balanced, despite the author's initial dislike of his subject. Not on the level of Donald Trump, but Nixon certainly added to the divisiveness of the time with his public statements . The third volume deals with Watergate and his post-presidential years, stopping just short of his death in 1994. Well worthwhile to gain a very comprehensive portrait of the 37th President.

The Making of the President 1968 by Theodore H. White

The chronicler of US presidential elections takes readers from the Tet offensive to Richard Nixon's dramatic victory in November, in a process marked by assassination and violence. Not White's strongest work, but still worthwhile.

An American Melodrama: The Presidential Campaign of 1968 by Lewis Chester, Godfrey Hodgson & Bruce Page

This is the better account of the 1968 election, by three British journalists, covering the events and key individuals in well-written form. Leave it to the British to express the keenest insights into US society and politics.

One of Us: Richard Nixon and the American Dream by Tom Wicker

An interesting book by a journalist who had a clear vantage point where President Nixon was concerned. He does not seek to write a comprehensive biography but one that covers the key elements of Nixon's life. Doing his best to provide a fair and balanced account that humanizes his subject, Wicker emphasizes domestic achievements that are often overshadowed by foreign affairs during the Nixon presidency. How Nixon was "one of us" speaks to the nature of American society and values during the 20th century. This book is geared more to readers previously familiar with much of Nixon's public life and his presidency.

Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man by Garry Wills

Fascinating analysis of President Nixon and what he represented that was first published in 1970 (I have the 1979 updated version). This is an early example of Wills' literary and analytical abilities and, like the Wicker book, it works best for readers already familiar with Nixon and his times. His takedown of Spiro Agnew is phenomenal. And his insights into the political and social culture of the time are most interesting.

The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House by H.R. Haldeman

A first-hand account by the White House chief of staff during most of the Nixon presidency. Plenty of vignettes about the President and other members of his administration.

The Making of the President 1972 by Theodore H. White

From President Nixon's groundbreaking trip to China to George McGovern's battle for the Democratic Party nomination, the Eagleton fiasco, and on to Nixon's landslide victory, White covers the 1972 presidential campaign in his usual well-written manner, even foreshadowing a bit with mention of Watergate along the way. 

A Heartbeat Away: The Investigation and Resignation of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew by Richard M. Cohen & Jules Witcover

I include this among the Nixon bios because the 37th President was an actor in the drama pertaining to the fate of Vice President Agnew. In the midst of Watergate, revelations about Agnew's criminal behavior as a county official in Maryland, and as governor, led to his resignation and pleading no contest to the charges in court. This thorough account by leading Washington journalists is quite interesting.

Breach of Faith: The Fall of Richard Nixon by Theodore H. White

The chronicler of presidential elections brings his storytelling ability to Watergate and makes clear his own sense of betrayal as a result of the President's involvement in the coverup.  

Not Above the Law: The Battles of Watergate Prosecutors Cox and Jaworski by James Doyle

An insider account by the spokesperson for the Watergate Special Prosecutor's office. How the unfolding scandal was viewed from that vantage point. Very interesting. 

Exile: The Unquiet Oblivion of Richard M. Nixon by Robert Sam Anson

An interesting account of Nixon's post-presidency up to 1984. Plenty of anecdotes, in particular regarding the first few months that included his near-death as the result of phlebitis, and his efforts to re-emerge into the public eye.

Richard Nixon and His America by Herbert S. Parmet

The one bio that Nixon cooperated with, this book spends less time with his personal peculiarities and more on his pragmatic centrism. Not as good as Parmet's JFK double-bio, but interesting in its way.

Pending: President Nixon: Alone in the White House by Richard Reeves, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power by Robert Dalleck


Richard Nixon's successor was practically his polar opposite in terms of personality. Friendly and forthright, he was likeable even if you disagreed with him politically. As a long-time member of the House of Representatives, he operated in a very different political milieu from the one that exists in Washington today. President Ford was also the most accomplished athlete to reach the White House. A star collegiate center at Michigan, he was sought by NFL teams. In the world of the 1930s, it was more lucrative to accept an assistant coaching job at Yale while studying law, than to play pro football. It was ironic that he was lampooned following some very public tumbles while he was in office (comedian Chevy Chase came to prominence imitating Ford as a klutz on Saturday Night Live). His decision to pardon President Nixon might well have cost him election to a term in his own right, but that was not his first consideration. Challenged from the right for the 1976 Republican nomination, he defeated Ronald Reagan at the convention, but fell short in November. 

A Time to Heal: The Autobiography of Gerald R. Ford

Another memoir. Preferable to Richard Nixon's. President Ford has nothing to hide.

The President by John Hersey

An account of a week spent observing President Ford in action by a noted journalist. Easy reading and Ford comes across very well. One memorable vignette is of a photo-op with a young special-needs girl who was the poster child for Easter Seals. He held and talked to her for a few minutes and Hersey notes that when he handed her back to her father and bade her good-bye, it was clear she had liked the man who had held and talked with her. Impossible to imagine a similar scene with Richard Nixon or Donald Trump. Without getting heavily into matters of policy, this book provides a very human portrait of the 38th President.

Palace Politics: An Inside Account of the Ford Years by Robert T. Hartman

Ford's vice-presidential chief of staff and presidential counselor weighs in on the Ford presidency, with plenty of insider insights.

Pending: Gerald R. Ford: An Honorable Life by James Cannon, Write It When I'm Gone: Remarkable Off-the-Record Conversations with Gerald R. Ford by Thomas M. DeFrank, Gerald R. Ford by Douglas Brinkley from the American Presidents series.


I can recall watching the national news with my dad on the day that Carter announced his candidacy for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination and dad saying "why are they covering this? He has no chance!" Many others felt the same way, of course, until he began winning caucuses and primaries and the initially more prominent contenders began to fall away. After becoming the 39th President, things got tougher for the peanut farmer from Georgia. There were accomplishments along the way, but he had to survive a challenge from Ted Kennedy to gain re-nomination. Following his defeat in his 1980 re-election bid, he has gone on to an admirable post-presidency in most ways and is likely far more esteemed as an elder statesman than he was as a president.

Jimmy Carter: American Moralist by Kenneth E. Morris

An interesting bio that covers Carter and who and what influenced his development as well as his pre-presidential political career, presidency, and post-presidential life until 1995.

Marathon: The Pursuit of the Presidency 1972-1976 by Jules Witcover

A journalist other than Theodore H. White took on the task of writing the definitive chronicle of the 1976 presidential campaign. By the end Jimmy Carter was the last man standing.

 The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter's Journey Beyond the White House by Douglas Brinkley

An excellent account of Carter's life from his defeat for re-election until 1997, reminding readers of what has made him so much more popular since he left the White House.

Pending: Jimmy Carter by Julian E. Zelizer from the American Presidents series, Camelot's End: Kennedy vs. Carter and the Fight That Broke the Democratic Party


 "The Great Communicator" brought a former actor's charisma and style to the White House while also promoting a new conservative vision for the country. The result was a transformational presidency that changed the character the Republican Party (and didn't leave the Democrats unchanged as a result). More practical than his rhetoric would indicate, he proved capable of supporting bipartisan compromises, although he set the stage for the rigid partisan warfare that has ensued. 

Reagan by Lou Cannon

Written by a journalist who had covered Reagan since his time as Governor of California, this bio provides a good account of the 40th President's life before he reached the White House. 

America in Search of Itself: The Making of the President 1956-1980 by Theodore H. White

White's final presidential election chronicle provides insights from the first election in covered, in 1956, to the last in 1980. It is a rather pessimistic assessment as to the nation's political trends since that first contest, identifying the degree that television and money had altered the process. 

Blue Smoke & Mirrors: How Reagan Won & Why Carter Lost the Election of 1980 by Jack W. Germond & Jules Witcover 

A fine account of the 1980 presidential campaign by two leading political columnists of the time, which focuses on key turning points along the way.

The Pursuit of the Presidency 1980 by David Broder, Lou Cannon, Haynes Johnson, Martin Schram, Richard Harwood and the staff of The Washington Post

The Washington Post's account of the 1980 presidential election. As inciteful as you would expect.

Reagan's America: Innocents at Home by Garry Wills

Wills strikes again in a book that examines the roles Reagan played throughout his life and as the 40th President. The tendency of conservatives to glorify an idealized past that doesn't fit the historical reality played to Reagan's world view and political message, as well as the failure to recognize that technological changes were primarily responsible for changes in morality that conservatives find repugnant, not government policies. A worthwhile book for understanding the politics of the Reagan years and beyond.

Landslide: The Unmaking of the President 1984-1988 by Jane Mayer & Doyle McManus 

An account of President Reagan's second term, following his landslide victory in 1984, detailing the problems encountered, with particular attention paid to the Iran-Contra scandal.

Pending: The Right Moment: Ronald Reagan's First Victory and the Decisive Turning Point in American Politics by Matthew Dallek, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime by Lou Cannon

Now we head to the fifth and final part, starting off with George H.W. Bush.

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